Explain the four causes of tooth decay! Let's use it as a reference for tooth decay prevention

Hello everyone!

“Kasuga Dental Clinic” in Monzennakacho.


Now, what do you feel is important for tooth decay prevention?

You can prevent dental caries by preventing fluorine and regularly cleaning your teeth at a dental clinic, but this time I will explain why dental caries are possible.


  • Four causes of tooth decay

Four causes are associated with the development of tooth decay.

  1. Tannin


  1. bacterial

Bacteria residing in the oral cavity produce acid that melts the teeth and promotes decay.

  1. Sugar

Bacteria love sugar, so it is important to refrain from sugar-rich foods and drinks.

  1. time

The acid produced by bacteria dissolves teeth over a long period of time. Brush your teeth every day to remove bacteria and dirt on your teeth.


It is easy to develop caries due to these four causes.

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