What do you want for dentures? Leave "Kasuga Dentistry" to make dentures to chew

Hello everyone!

“Kasuga Dental Clinic” in Monzennakacho.


Suddenly, what are you looking for in your dentures?

This time, we will introduce what kind of posture this hospital is for dentures.


  • Denture is a biting tool

Dentures are designed not only to make up for missing teeth, but also to bite.

In other words, we have the recognition that dentures that cannot be chewed are not dentures.

There is no need to make dentures that cannot be chewed from the beginning.

Then why do you become unable to chew dentures?


  • Denture wears down

Everything used for dentures is artificial.

As there is the word “something will break someday”, dentures will wear down as long as they are used.

If this denture wear is left unattended, it becomes a “denim denture”.


  • Dentures have longer periods of maintenance

Dentures should be adjusted to the patient's mouth.

By adjusting the dentures frequently, the period of chewing becomes longer and the function as a denture is achieved.


Please leave the adjustment of dentures to dentistry!

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