A dentist who specifies the tooth type! Introducing forensic dentistry!

Hello everyone!

“Kasuga Dental Clinic” in Monzennakacho.


The Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in 2011 is still new to memory.

I'm hoping for an early recovery because we are still in the middle of recovery.


Now, this time I would like to introduce the field of forensic dentistry that was also active in the Great East Japan Earthquake.


  • What is forensic dentistry?

Forensic dentistry is the study of identifying the identity of the deceased.

Humans become mummy as time passes. If corruption progresses, it will be impossible to identify individuals. However, since teeth are hard tissue, they do not collapse easily.

Because bone is also hard tissue, it does not collapse easily and becomes a shape.


Forensic dentistry is to identify individuals based on the tooth type and the treatment marks of the teeth.


  • How long have you been active?

In the event of an emergency such as the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Dental Association will cooperate with the local police to identify yourself with full cooperation.

However, in general, there is a request from the police, and there is a leaflet and information about investigation cooperation, such as "Is there a medical record for a person like OO?"

If there seems to be a corresponding patient, we will start here

The dentist who cooperates with the police first checks the tooth type and may share that information.


Dentists were active not only in caries treatment and periodontal treatment, but also in solving incidents and accidents.

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