If you are in the midst of Monzennakacho and are undergoing dental treatment, please consult our hospital!

Hello everyone!

“Kasuga Dental Clinic” in Monzennakacho.


Dental treatment is frequent, and some people may not be able to go through the treatment.

Although there are patients who are actually irritated, this time we will explain the risk of quitting during treatment.


  • The disease will not heal

The biggest problem that interrupts treatment is that the disease doesn't go away.

If it is a decayed tooth, it will continue to progress and may cause pain. If the caries progresses as it is, the nerve of the tooth may die and a bag of pus may be formed at the root of the tooth.

Similarly, periodontal disease continues to progress if treatment is interrupted. Even those who have not had subjective symptoms until now may complain of bad breath and glaring teeth as periodontal disease progresses.


  • In other hospitals, there is a lack of treatment

Suppose you interrupted the treatment you received at the dental clinic A and went back to the dental clinic B.

However, resuming a tooth that is in the middle of treatment may not be enough.

It is best to consistently treat at the same dental office, but resume treatment for teeth that are still being treated.

If you have left the treatment in another hospital, please contact us.

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